“We wish to unite people from different walks of life in their desire to help those less fortunate.”

— KINi

Our Mission

How often do you hear “kids is our future!”. Yet somehow hundreds of thousands of children are living in poverty, war zones, growing up in institutions, are abused and/or neglected by the very ones who are supposed to care for them. Every time you encounter a story about a child’s suffering, your heart sinks. You might ask yourself “What can be done? How can I help with the resources I have?” Not everyone can adopt, host or go on mission trips to other countries. But we are sure that majority of people won’t pass an opportunity to help those in need in some way.

Are YOU looking to help and make a difference in a way that is comfortable for you? Then we would like to invite you to join our mission in helping kids in need all over the world. We wish to unite people from different walks of life in their desire to help those less fortunate. We are dedicated to building a community, that has a heart for vulnerable children and families, and strives to give each child that crosses our path a peace of mind, meet some of their basic needs and have a chance to experience their childhood and just be kids. Isn’t that what families are for - making sure children feel safe, cared for, loved and wanted.