Fall-Winter 2023-2024

Volunteers in Austin, TX; Dripping Springs, TX; San Antonio, TX are working around the clock to support those who came to the United States from the war zones. We are currently assisting multiple families with small children and children with special needs to acclimate and settle for their new life! Please feel free to contact us to find out how can you help today! We need volunteers for interpreting, driving, advocating and sometimes just warm welcoming and supporting those families who moved here and feel lost and disadvantaged.

This family is looking for friends today!

This small family, grandma and granddaughter came from Ukraine in July. The girl has certain disabilities due to her health conditions, but able to stand and walk for short distances without a wheelchair. Grandmother doesn’t speak any English and doesn’t drive. So at this point they are feeling very isolated and looking for friends and kind hearted people who are willing to help them out a little until they figure things out with housing, school etc.

If you can come to check on them once or once in a while, take them to the park/for a walk/grocery shopping, church or just have a cup of tea together and talk, please let us know!

Most KINi’s volunteers are in Austin, TX, we take turns but can’t be as available as local friends from San Antonio.

They will be forever grateful, happy to meet you and treat you as a family member, like all Ukrainians do!

Here is the story:


230 People. Just yesterday, they were 227. Mostly Families with children. They need formula, diapers, bedding and food NOW! These people can’t go back home at the moment and are “cut off” their support system. Fearing for their lives, they just simply asking for a temporary hand, until the situation is resolved. We just wish these children smile and play and don’t worry about food and clean bed! And their moms, have a few less things to figure out!

Help us deliver these families some hope, send them a message that they are not facing their tragedy alone!

Winter hosting 2021-22

Children from orphanages in Vinnytsia and Kyiv regions, Ukraine came to spend time in American families.

Winter hosting is very special! Christmas time is always filled with magic, hope, family traditions and time with the loved ones.

For some of kids it’s their very first time travelling abroad. Others have been coming for years.

Winter 2020 - Spring 2021

Shoe Drive Through

YOU Help us help others!

We were honored to meet this one absolutely unique and wonderful family and proud to become a part of their journey! Thanks to all of you, who helped us collecting/picking up/sorting/handling the shoes. Because of your support, hey are a little closer to adding one more member to their family!

We really hope that their story helped free someone else to act and bring children to forever HOME!

You are not alone, please let us know if you need support!

“Christmas gift” 

With the help of our wonderful community KINi donated Christmas gifts this year, to someone who strongly believed that Santa will finally find the way to their Street..

When picking up a project, always trying to think for it to be satisfying for both sides, not only the receiving, but for a giving side too. Many of our giving friends don’t want any attention at all, even specifically ask to remain incognito. We know you don’t need anything in exchange!

But we think it’s very important! You all deserve to be recognized and thanked a billion times!!! Every time you participate and invest a piece of yourself in a little Christmas gift for a child or going through your closet to see if there is something you can donate - you care.. This is something you can’t buy, neither can’t you make anybody feel the same way you do. Thank you for doing it the way you can!

All children are in new PJ’s, and these gifts for them are not only the reminder that there are good and kind people out there, but mainly a simple feeling, that somebody thought and cared about them 💗 Such an important missing puzzle in their biographies!

We are here to say thank you, truly blessed to be surrounded by people who care!

Fall 2020

KINi is so excited to share with you that KINi bought backpacks and school supplies for 27 children in need this season. No child should stay behind in learning for no reason! We want to wish them a wonderful school year!

UkrSA calendar.jpg

We are so grateful to Ukrainian San Antonio for such a generous donation ️ We would like to thank each and everyone who participated in the project of creating such a beautiful calendar of Ukrainian heritage, those who helped advertise and distribute it, and, of course, those who purchased it. Thank you, friends️ This project was a true blessing for KINi and we are lucky to have such great supporters!

Have you ever had to wear one pair of shoes year around? Wear 2 sweaters because you don’t have a jacket and it’s cold outside? How about a community face or bath towel or reusable hygiene products? Yes, there are such things! We are shipping over 300 lb of winter clothing and shoes to a foster family household, who is currently taking care of 32 children ages 18 months and up.

Thanks to all the people out there who donated gently used and new items to those whose need is more than real!

Would like to be a part of something wonderful?! - Because for these children a pair of NEW shoes, winter jacket and extra underwear is an absolute wonder and blessing!


Summer 2020

God, incredible forces, and our generous supporters made it possible to send 2 groups of special children from several orphanages to one First ever and unforgettable summer vacation! Most of them have never seen a sea in their lives. No words can help you feel better than these smiles!

Spring 2020

We had so much fun fundraising at this great event!!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth!!! We all worked so hard, baked till 4 in the morning the night before and all morning after, to meet and greet our friends and supporters!

Most of them couldn’t believe it’s happening to them... some thanked the delivery person religiously, some cried happy tears.

Thank you all Angels on behalf of 12 families and 48 children, now do your own math to count the smiles and happy hearts!!!

Winter 2020

Is there any difference between children in need in USA, South America, Africa or anywhere in Europe!? Do they suffer less in one part of the world than another? We don’t think so!
How about mothers, grandmothers who are trying their best to survive?

Can you help everyone who is hungry, poor, sick, old or has no parents - hard to do...
Can you start with one - absolutely in your power!!!

This story is from our friend and KINi volunteer Taila Wade:

“This grandma lost her mother about a year ago. C’s mother worked taking care of senior citizens at a local hospital and provided for her family. C never learned how to read. As a single mother, she stayed home taking care of their home, while her mom worked. When her mother got sick and passed, their family lost all their income and started receiving a small help from the Brazilian government. They live in a small home, in a small poor community in the south of Brazil. C’s daughter got involved with the wrong people, got pregnant and now counts on her mom’s help to care for her son. This grandma takes care of the house, and the little one.”

KINi has provided this family with a month’s worth of grocery and a toy for the little boy for Christmas.
Not much World-wise..- huge for this family!!!

Summer 2019

Huge response from the community with our “shoe project”!!! Friends, neighbors, people we don’t know stopped by and donated sports shoes for one of the boarding schools in Ukraine.
We had 100 children in mind when we were running around town and gathering tennis shoes. Just look at those happy little faces and think no longer next time if you should give or doubt!!
Our wonderful friends and partners @Ukrainian San Antonio, Troop 441 Boy Scouts out of Lake Travis, Russian Speaking Community in Austin - thanks to all of you every child was able to put a pair of tennis shoes on for the first school day!
We shipped 120lb of shoes from those who care to those who are in need!

Spring 2019
If you are here and reading our stories right now, you care. Thank you for that. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have anything else of your own to care about, it means you put children’s needs ahead of yours. Thank you for that too. Do you remember yourself as a child? What it was like, just remember! Thank you for that! Remember how easy it was to dream, to believe in good!?
When children get a package from volunteers, just like you, it’s not just a package with toys for them, it’s a message from a big world! A message says - “There are good people out there! Don’t think you are alone, we know, care and remember about you!”
Spring 2019, thank you dear friends and supporters! On your behalf KINi sent so many important messages to places, where children have never received anything before!